It was time. . . past time actually . . . to take that road trip out to see my best friend. So we made an adventure out of it and rented an RV for the trip. Apparently there are websites out there akin to airbnb where owners can list their RV’s for rent – novel idea!
We did a little research on a few and landed on Rvrzy and selected an RV that was smaller than some but had a shower and toilet as well as the usual items you might find, allowed us to bring our dog along and THIS RV had a story behind it –

Say hello to Peri! Back story about Peri: Originally this was purchased for the owner’s Mom and sister, who made some wonderful memories with Peri. Now that they are gone, he is celebrating them by making it possible for others to make great memories with Peri too. The name came about partly due to his sister being a painter and the color Periwinkle that Peri is and also that someday they wanted to take it to Paris – Pari’. We appreciate the backstory and were ready to make a memory.

While the trip to Boise wasn’t overly long – 8 hours all told without stops along the way, we started out late on a Friday evening about 9:45pm thinking we would drive for maybe 2 hours or so, find a rest stop and then take advantage of the sleep space before finishing up the journey. As luck would have it, we missed the first rest stop entirely, the next one (roughly 60 miles from there) was jam packed with RV’s and trucks so tiredly we continued on again to the next one in Prosser, which was also full but we waited it out and hoped someone might decide to leave and, with some luck, about 1:30am a spot did open and we collapsed onto the beds in the RV. One nice thing about an RV like this – bathroom, shower and beds!
Headed out at about 9am the next morning, coffee and energy drink in hand arriving in Boise at roughly 2pm (3pm Boise time) we finally pulled into the driveway of my best friend Jill and her husband Michael. Phew! Time to relax and catch up. . .
Time to Play!
We didn’t plan really to do many actual activities – just wanted time to hang out and catch up in person, tho we did have a couple things we thought would be fun. As with all travel, flexibility is key to enjoyment. One of our activities was not on schedule for the first day and as we were there only for a couple days, we postponed it to the next day, sent the boys off to do their thing and Jill and I headed over to Two Hoots Lavender Fields.

~Welcome to Two Hoots Lavender~
Founded in 2020, Two Hoots grows 5 of the most popular types of lavender – Folgate, Royal Velvet, Grotto, Bucna Vista and French. The farm has many high oil production plants allowing them to distill their own lavender oil and handcraft them into their products. You can pick from fresh precut lavender or cut your own so, in the spirit of fun and adventure, we selected our baskets and wandered out into the fields to cut our lavender.

We picked a bundle, wrapped it up in the paper & twine provided and headed in to the shop. Soooo much to see and smell and see: soaps, shampoos, sprays and even teas. They all smelled so good we ended up with more than one item.
You can find Two Hoots Lavender here: Instagram & Facebook – @twohootslavender and

Our trip to Two Hoots was a successful fun time. We laughed a lot, learned about lavender and made a beautiful memory.
~Last Day in Boise~
After we returned back to Jill’s home, we took more time to talk. We have had a year – grieving for family and friends, missing people who filled our lives with joy. While we fully intended to do more in depth talking about that, just being able to be together helped us take one more step to healing. And so we sat, letting the being together comfort us and waited for our “boys” to return from their adventure. They had quite a different “adventure” from ours, which perhaps is a tale for another day and perhaps not my tale to tell. Then it was down to just relaxing the backyard, watching the chickens and talking more about life things.
~Home again, Home again~
The next morning we prepared to head on home. I took a turn at the wheel for a couple hours and found it wasn’t too difficult to drive although it was much bigger than my summer ride but then most are. Arriving in Issaquah for RV drop off about 5:00pm, we returned the RV to the owner having a lovely conversation while we checked it in, unpacked it and put everything into my husbands Jeep for the last segment home. Kona – our Cane Corso – was happy to be home and back to her comfort zone and as she settled back in, I reflected on our journey.
I’m not sure why it’s taken me a year to comment on your awesome article since I’m mentioned in it . Going to that lavender field was so great and therapeutic because we went together! I went again this year just to get product so it wasn’t even close to the same experience but they are an awesome place to buy great things like shampoo and lotions. That rented RV was convenient.